We’re so proud of our clients and their amazing stories that we wanted to share them with you! Check out these testimonial videos from people who have worked with our Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and feel confident and happier with food now.
Violet's Pediatric Tube Feeding Story
Violet is a great example of the Doherty Nutrition difference. At the beginning of her life, she struggled with adequate weight gain and feeding intolerance. After coming to Doherty Nutrition as their first pediatric g-tube client, Violet has overcome hurdles doctors never thought she could!
Kenneth's Cancer Story
Kenneth was going through radiation and had heard so many things online on what he should do for his nutrition. After coming to Doherty Nutrition, he was able to get clarity on what the evidence-based recommendations were to prevent cancer recurrence.
Kimberly's Diabetes Story
When Kimberly was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, she felt depressed and overwhelmed. She knew she needed to make changes but didn’t know where to begin. After finding Doherty Nutrition, Kimberly now has the tools to make mindful choices that fit her and her lifestyle.
Ian's Diabetes Story
Ian felt like he was in the dark when he was first diagnosed with diabetes. He stumbled across Doherty Nutrition and hasn’t looked back since! After working with his dietitian, he is now able to manage his diabetes, confidently. Ian’s experience with Doherty Nutrition has been life changing.
Taylor's Relationship With Food Story
Taylor has worked on healing her relationship with food and succeeded! Originally, she struggled with the restriction/overeating cycle and now with the help of her Registered Dietitian has broken the cycle and is able to confidently make decisions around food without guilt. She continues to surpass obstacles and is able to reach her goals while still having her favorite sweets.
Melinda's Relationship With Food Story
Melinda was struggling with a low body weight and poor relationship with food… She knew she needed to gain weight but was unable to do it on their own. As she worked with a Registered Dietitian at Doherty Nutrition, she was able to develop and follow a nutrition plan that addressed not only her physical needs, but also her emotional and psychological wellbeing as well.
Emmy's Relationship With Food Story
Emmy came to Doherty Nutrition frustrated with her relationship with food, struggling with emotional eating, and stuck in a cycle of guilt in shame around food. Through her work with her dietitian, she has taken back control of her life, from her relationship with food to overall well-being!
What Our Clients Say: