Unlocking Success: A Peek into How You Can Actually Stick to Your New Year’s Goals in 2024

December 18, 2023

the number 2024 made of gold and diamonds on a white background
As we stand on the brink of a brand-new year yet again, many of us find ourselves reflecting on the past and contemplating the changes we’d like to see in the future. It’s no surprise that New Year’s Resolutions often find themselves at the top of the list, with common goals being… “I want to exercise more this year;” “This is the year I’ll actually start my diet;” “I’m going to cut my spending in half and save so much money.” Surprisingly or not, only 49% of those who made resolutions report keeping “some” of their resolutions, and by February, as many as 80% have completely abandoned these goals. If you’d like a new way to tackle your new year, we have a refreshing alternative on the horizon! Virtually join Brittany Thiel, RD, LDN, on Tuesday, January 16th, from 5:00 – 6:00pm for an enlightening and discussion-based group class designed to transform the way you approach goals. Keep reading for a sneak peek into what we’ll explore together!

Why Do We Set Goals?

Embarking on a journey to achieve your dreams often begins with setting goals. We’ll explore the “why” behind why goal setting can often be difficult and intimidating. Understanding the motives that drive us can be a powerful tool in creating goals that align with our values and nutrition goals.

What Holds us Back from Achieving our Goals?

Unraveling the mysteries of why some goals constantly feel unreachable is so important for long-lasting change. You might think to yourself year after year…

“Why can’t I just do ___________?!” “Why can’t I just change ___________?!” “Why can’t I just stick to ___________?!”

Oftentimes, it’s how we’re creating our goals that is the issue, not the person behind the goals. We’ll delve into the common barriers that hinder progress and share practical tips that can actually make goal-setting FUN, like these colorful pens and confidence-building stickers!

How to Design a Goal

Not all goals are created equal. It’s important to understand not only how to set a goal but also why we’re even setting a goal in the first place. We’ll provide you with the tools you need to determine… 1. Why you’re setting the goal 2. What you’re hoping to achieve with the goal 3. How to set a goal for success Setting goals is an art form, and we’re here to guide you through the process. We love using this journal to track our goals and to check in with our intentions. Discover the secrets to crafting realistic, achievable goals that align with your unique journey for long-lasting change.

Overcoming Barriers

No goal-setting journey is complete without addressing the inevitable roadblocks. Whether they’re within our control or not, they’re important to address and make a part of your process. Learn how to achieve your goals even when the unpredictability of life gets in your way. Together, we’ll explore strategies to overcome challenges and foster motivation to empower you for success.


If you’re tired of the cycle of setting and abandoning resolutions, it’s time to embrace a new approach. Join Brittany Thiel, RD, LDN on Tuesday, January 16th, and equip yourself with the tools to make it your best year yet. Say goodbye to traditional resolutions that fizzle out and hello to sustainable, meaningful change in 2024!

Sign up here to transform your 2024!

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Diana Figueroa, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, RD, LD

Diana Figueroa

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